Mandate & Activity
The Krishi Vigyan Kendra has been established by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research with the aim of reducing the time lag between the generation of technologies and their transfer to the farmers for increasing the productivity in agriculture and allied sectors. In order to achieve this aim Krishi Vigyan Kendra has following mandates :-
- On – farm testing to identify the location specificity of agricultural technologies under various farming system.
- Frontline demonstrations to establish its production potentials on the farmers’ fields.
- Training of farmers and extension personnel to update their knowledge and skills in modern agricultural technologies.
- Work as resource and knowledge centre of agricultural technologies for supporting initiatives of public, private and voluntary sector for imnproving the agricultural economy of the district.
- Produce and available technological products like seed planting material bio agents young ones of livestock etc. to the farmers.
- Organize extension activities to create awareness about improved agricultural Technologies to facilitate fast diffusion and adoption of technologies in agriculture and allied sectors.
Activities of KVK
- On-farm testing to identify the location specificity of agricultural technologies under various farming systems.
- Frontline demonstrations to establish its production potentials on the farmers’ fields.
- Training of farmers to update their knowledge and skills in modern agricultural technologies, and training of extension personnel to orient them in the frontier areas of technology development.
- To work as resource and knowledge centre of agricultural technology for supporting initiatives of public, private and voluntary sector for improving the agricultural economy of the district.